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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

My tongue has a white coating and a bump at the base of my tongue.

White tongue or “hairy tongue” is caused by the shedding of dead cells, mixed with bacteria. Fungi or inflammation of the taste buds from various factors that build up thickly until it appears as a white coating on the tongue. In some cases, ufabet 

7 Tips on How to Keep Your Nails Strong

Nails are a small part of the body that many people tend to ignore and don’t give much importance to. But in fact, the benefits of Nails Strong are many, such as the ability to protect the tips of our fingers from harm, helping our fingers

Fermented foods that are beneficial to the intestines.

Many fermented foods contain probiotics that are good for the body. The most widely known type is Lactobacillus, which can be in sour milk, yogurt, and others. In addition to helping with digestion, absorbing beneficial nutrients into the body, and helping the digestive system work,

3 Vitamins that help boost immunity.

During the time when the body has to face a lot of pollution and dirt, including germs, viruses, and PM 2.5 dust, if we are careless and do not protect ourselves, we may easily become sick. Moreover, if our immunity system works less, it can

Choose a serum that suits your skin age.

Premature wrinkles are a concern for women. Because wrinkles on the face are partly caused by facial skin problems that have to face pollution around us and facial skin care behaviors that may harm the skin without our knowing. All of these are causes of

UV rays: Dangers from sunlight.

Sunlight is the villain that causes various problems for our skin, such as making the skin dark, sunburned, causing premature wrinkles, and can be so serious that it can cause us to have skin cancer. This is because sunlight does not only contain heat, but